Many people are unhappy, but they don’t understand why. They bought into the hype of working a lucrative job that enables them to buy big houses filled with tons of stuff. They have the latest gadgets that connect them to family, friends, and frenemies through social media. If they have all of these goodies, why are they unhappy?

You may be in this predicament and wondering how you can stop the merry-go-round of an overwhelming life. You might have entertained the idea of cutting back and trying this thing called a simple life, but will it make you happy?
5 Ways a Simple Life Leads to Happiness
Choosing a simple life might be the best decision you could make. There are many benefits, including that you can become happier. Here is how:
1. You become healthier. When you are healthy, you tend to feel happier. The stress of owning too many things can cause you to lose sleep, have digestive issues, stop exercising and eat poorly. How? You spend more time working to pay for all of the stuff instead of putting your health first. You may worry about your belongings, which can increase feelings of anxiety. Poor health does not lead to a happy person.
2. You enjoy the small things in life. Complicated lives produce harried people, not happy ones. You can slow down and take in the world around you when you let go. Simple pleasures like feeling the sunshine on your face bring lasting happiness to our lives.
3. You become more grateful. Dumping all the junk and clutter allows you to slow down and focus on your actual needs. Soon, you will find those things to be thankful for, such as your good health. Gratitude provides a pathway to happiness.
4. You connect deeply with your family and friends. As social beings, we need people. When you are flitting from one activity to the next, you have little time to focus on relationships. You may feel disconnected, and your relationships may suffer. Simplifying your life paves the way to spend more time with those you love. Deeper relationships leave you feeling satisfied and happier.
5. You can work less and still satisfy your basic needs. Simple living leads you down new paths of discovery of your actual needs. You may learn that you can live with much less, such as food, clothing, and shelter, which means you can choose a less stressful job, working fewer hours.
Happiness doesn’t have to elude you. By choosing a simple life, you give yourself the best opportunity to be happy and live life to the fullest.