Confession time: My oracle card collection is getting a bit out of hand – but how can I resist when each deck promises to be my new cosmic bestie? Between the sparkly edges, mystical artwork, and daily doses of divine guidance, I'm pretty sure they're more addictive than chocolate.

Confession time: My oracle card collection is getting a bit out of hand – but how can I resist when each deck promises to be my new cosmic bestie? Between the sparkly edges, mystical artwork, and daily doses of divine guidance, I'm pretty sure they're more addictive than chocolate.
Christmas and birthdays hold the expectation of more decks to unwrap and add to my collection, not to mention the multiple Amazon truck deliveries and joyous trips to Banyen Books on West 4th in Vancouver, to feed my addiction throughout the year. I am not sure if there is a 12-step program for my addiction, but if there is, I refuse to attend!
I haven’t always had this addiction – in fact, just over 15 years ago, I didn’t own any. Then came the fateful day when I attended a friend’s birthday party and sat in amazement as she was given oracle deck after oracle deck from the assembled collection of family and friends. Back then I had little to no concept about these little boxed treasures, so couldn’t get my head around why anyone would want or need more than one deck – oh how things have changed. Someone once said “You can’t be too thin or own too many silk blouses” – well I have my own saying – “You can’t own too many Oracle card decks”.
As I sit and type this, I am surrounded by 100 decks arranged around my desk – all well used, and each offering a unique gift in its words and pictures. Even though I understand how they work – that your highest consciousness, with the help of the energy of the Universe, will guide you to the perfect message relating to your question, I am still blown away at the accuracy of the messages.
Back in the day when I was first dipping my toe into the Oracle pool, I was always amazed at the coincidences of the messages I received relating to the question I had asked. With every card another coincidence – until finally, like a Divine slap across the face, I had that light bulb moment and realized that these cards were powerful sacred tools of divination, guiding you and helping you along your journey of life.
Let me give her an example of a particularly amazing – actually, jaw-dropping moment when asking a question.
The Amazon truck had just delivered a new deck to my door, and so of course my husband and I had to check them out and pick a card. To give you a little background information – my husband was scheduled to attend a very important business meeting the next day, and as it was going to be a long meeting, I offered to make a large batch of chocolate chip cookies for him to take with him.
He shuffled the cards until one jumped out of the deck – I picked the card up and looked at the picture. I asked him what question he had asked, to which he replied: “I asked about tomorrow’s meeting” – I turned over the card to show him, which left us both speechless and with eyes as big as saucers. The card showed a stack of chocolate chip cookies!

What a wonderful gift that the Universe would send us validation that this was the right card for the question – and that the meeting would be a sweet success.
Because I use all these desks daily in my work, and I am in the process of designing and creating my very own deck, I thought I would take the time to share with you my top 6 favourite decks. With literally hundreds of decks on the market to choose from, it can be a veritable maze to navigate through to find one that speaks to you.
So whether it’s the artwork that draws your attention or the magical words, I hope that these decks inspire you in some way.
The Council of Horses Oracle by Sandra Wallin and Kim McElroy
The artwork in this deck is truly beautiful – each card different in its style and quality, but all of them full of majesty and power. But it’s the words that are truly inspirational in this deck. Sandra has an incredible way with words that draw you in and answer those deepest questions you have been asking for so long. Each card contains a story about the horse, as well as the wisdom that it imparts into your life, finishing with contemplations, or thoughts for you to ponder and an invitation to think about what you want to change.
“Life can grant us the rare air through which we get to glimpse the beautiful truth that love reveals the constant presence of the sacred in our lives, that love is the state of grace expressing itself through ordinary reality.”
Heal Yourself by Inna Segal
I absolutely love the artwork in this deck – the images are not photographs that have been photoshopped, but beautiful human depictions of what in ourselves we need to heal. Each card is simple and straightforward in its message. Although there is something profound in the simplicity of each message. Nothing to boggle the mind, and leave you scratching your head – it speaks in a plain and easy-to-understand style, finishing with action steps to take to move forward on your journey.
“Despite what you have been telling yourself, you are ready for a new adventure and another chance to prove that you have what it takes to face life’s challenges. Stop investing in limitations, lack and dysfunction”
Into The Lonely Woods by Lucy Cavendish and Dan May
What can I say about this deck, other than the fact that there is nothing out there quite like it. The creatures depicted in each card are otherworldly and precious. Each warming your heart with tender feelings of love and inspiration. The messages are short, but powerful and poignant. Sometimes less is more, and in this case, the short messages carry with them a library full of knowledge and guidance.
The Little Blessings
“There is a little good fortune right at your fingertips. It is sweet and small, but it is this blessing that will see your energy open up to receive even more of the same”
W.I.T.C.H. by Angi Sullins
This deck is probably my favourite when it comes to the artwork – every card is rich in colour and detail, drawing you in with its vibrant messages to all women who are in total control of their lives – finding their path to sovereignty. Even though this is one of my newer decks, I have been drawn to it on numerous occasions to help add clarity and direction to your current situation. The 215-page accompanying book contains so much more than the messages for each card. Each page is richly decorated, with a full-page reproduction of the card you have chosen and accompanying poetry.
Empress of Pleasure
"We've spent much of our lives learning from pain. What if pleasure became our next teacher? What if we put pleasure on the priority calendar and devoted a portion of our day/week to it, in order to see what it can teach us of ourselves?"
Medicine Heart by Alana Fairchild
What can I say about Alana Fairchild, other than the fact that her work is truly amazing. Nothing is done by halves in her decks, and Medicine Heart is no exception. The deck is accompanied by a 367-page book, with endless information on each card. The messages are long, but as you read, you can allow your intuition to pluck out the deeper meaning that is meant for you and only you. Each card too is rich in detail and symbolism and takes you deeper into the hidden meanings of your situation.
“The appearance of Hayagriva in a reading can indicate a time when the soul is making spiritual progress, and you are likely, therefore, grappling with a number of practical issues and learning how to apply your spiritual wisdom in worldly situations”
Heart Oracle – Love Letters To Your Soul by Inna Segal
Inna Segal is one of those authors, that if she published 100 oracle decks, I would have to buy them all. The artwork by Jena Dellagrottaglia, who by the way has written several oracle card decks of her own, and also done the artwork for Colette Baron-Reid, is second to none. Each card is exquisite in its detail and colour with so much to explore and digest, you feel that each card speaks to you personally. The accompanying book depicts a colour reproduction of each card, and a separate passage called Heart Healing, so you have action steps to take for each message.
Recovering Heart
“Your ability to have compassion, express kindness and patience and take the higher road has amplified dramatically. You are not only on the road to healing but to also knowing who you truly are and have the capacity to become”
Visit my website at to FIND OUT MORE about how I can help YOU heal from emotional and physical trauma ❤️